The Tea History Collection’s growing library of 400 volumes is stored between five cabinets, organised by the below categories. The library has been catalogued using a ‘public group’ called "Tea History Collection, Banbury, UK", on Zotero, and is maintained regularly.
For volumes out of copyright with full-text access available, a note has been added to the description field as to where these can be accessed on the internet. Zotero’s ‘public group’ setting does not allow file sharing.
THC Library Organisation as of Autumn 2022

Cabinet 1
History of tea
Story of Tea, generally
Guides to tea buying, tasting, brewing

Cabinet 2
London Tea History
Maritime History
Tea Planter & Broker Life Histories
British in India
Upper Assam, Nagaland, Native Groups

Cabinet 3
Afternoon Tea, Recipes
Afternoon Tea, tea rooms
Tea Etiquette
General Tea Books, entertainment

Cabinet 4
Chinese Tea Industry and History
African Tea Industry and History, all books pertaining to Africa
Sri Lanka/Ceylon Tea Industry and History, all books pertaining to Sri Lanka
Assam, India Tea Industry
Maps, posters, landscape, and images etc… (Inventoried in Zotero under one record)

Cabinet 5
East India Company
Sir Thomas Lipton
Tea Brand/Company Histories
Tea Planters Handbooks, Guides
Tea Producing Companies, Share Manuals