Brian Writer is really responsible for the creation of The Tea History Collection.
It was he who offered a large number of his possessions that led to the idea to start the Collection.
Brian - a huge thank you!
Brian has collected over the years an amazing array of books, articles, leaflets, tea samples, and more. He donated an entire chest of drawers full of metal tea sample tins! Also scales, tea-tasting cups and so much more.
The total volume of items filled a Ford Transit Van!
Brian Writer

Started the ‘Journey with Tea' in Jan.1953.
Worked with major tea companies from 1953 to 1978. Some of these were R. O. Mennell & Co Ltd., J.W. Clarke & Co (London Auction Buying Brokers), Thomas, Cumberlege & Inskipp (London Auction Selling Brokers), G. Harrison & Co (London Auction Buying Brokers) and Jokai (India) Ltd. Marketing manager UK/Europe/N. America.
Went into the tea business in 1978 with the purchase of Reginald Ames Ltd (Sourcing worldwide/Stockholder/blender), founded Writer & Writer Ltd (London Auction Buying Broker) in 1986. Cofounded with Alan Dean, Norfolk Tea & Coffee. Started Windmill Tea Co Ltd, ( Wholesale Tea & Coffee Merchant ) in 1982.
Founder supplier to The Republic of Tea in San Francisco - "Minister of Gardens" 1992 until retirement.
Board member of the U.K.T.A
Founding member of Tea Sourcing Partnership/Ethical Tea Partnership 1992 until retirement in 2014.
Sold Reginald Ames Ltd to Drury Tea & Coffee Co Ltd in 2004.
Senior most active member of the tea trade - an innings of 62 years!